Nickname: On probation…still working to earn it
Workplace: FMO
PB’s: 5k 24:10 10k 56:31 Half Marathon 2:02:46
Best Running Experience: Completing my first half mara on such a glorious Melbourne day, love the MCG sprint finish!
Worst Running Experience: A few, one of which was a real struggle town trying to break PB at Frog Hollow Parkrun after flu. Cemented by a prove of a pic beaten by Dan’s son hahaha, a pic says a thousand words they say. Another memorable one was the half marathon of course with ITB, love hate moment.
Racing Shoes: Adidas Adios Boost, Adidas Ultra Boost.
Years Running: L Plate…1.5 years.
Why Do You Run: Well…long story short…I started getting cramps during my freediving lap training in the pool due to the massive fins size…thought running will increase my endurance for the pool laps…next thing I know I joined the milers…the long run is like meditation plus meeting so many inspirational and beautiful people along the way
Favourite Training Session: AOP sessions and 6x3min.
Hobbies: Freediving, running, photography, eating (is it classified as hobby?), travelling, more eating…and eating…somebody gives me lychee and coconut ice cream from Gelato Messina please…..
Most Important Thing To Me: Health, family, friends, I’d love to say my sausage dog Neo but he’s in rainbow bridge now
Biggest Dislike: Negative and toxic people.
Favourite Movie: Le Grand Bleu, X-men, Star Wars.
Favourite Music: Anything that makes my heart sings, latin tunes
Favourite Food: Where do I start??? I love my food full stop. Honorary mention to lychee coconut ice cream from Gelato Messina…give me a tub or two or three anytime!!!
Favourite Drink: Water, coconut water, matcha.
Dream Occupation: Working from a laptop on the beach.
Most admired athlete: The late Natalia Molchanova, William Trubridge, Alexey Molchanov, Guillaume Nery and the humble Roger Federer.
Little known fact about me: I’m a weird OCD freak, will need extra time to lock up the house and car especially when I’m travelling overseas as I need to check the locks again…and again…and again…bit like AOP session going round…and around…and around.
Life Highlight: Coming to Melbourne at the age of 17, never look back since, more to come!
Life low-point: I have had a few, losing my Dad unexpectedly in January 2008 and I haven’t seen him for 2 years prior to his death. The phone call at 5am from overseas haunted me. Losing my beloved Neo in April 2016 was one of the hardest thing I have been through. My best friend for over 14 years, never cried that loud in my life…I think everyone at the vet hospital heard my cries…
Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die: 1. Freediving with whale shark, hammer head, humpback whales, dolphins. 2. Paragliding. 3. Making a difference in this world in my own way.
Favourite Quote: “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.” – Napoleon Hill