Nickname: Wonder
Workplace: Home. I just founded a start-up called TeamAssurance with two others.
PB’s: 5km 16:10, 10km 32:20, Half-marathon: 73:04, Marathon: 2:45:24
Best Running Experience: My 10 km PB run. I felt like I could run forever.
Worst Running Experience: Marathon number 1. Was on 2:32 pace at half-way, hit the wall at 32 km. The one and only time I have cried whilst running
Racing Shoes: Merrell Trail Glove. Just picked up a pair of Nike Zoom Streak courtesy of Run 4 The Kids but I haven’t used them yet
Years Running: 30 years
Why Do You Run: I love it. I love challenging myself and discovering I can achieve things I didn’t think I could do
Favourite Training Session: Mona Fartlek
Hobbies: Running (obviously), Cycling, Reading, Cryptic Crosswords, Knitting, Maths, Science
Most Important Thing To Me: My family and dog
Biggest Dislike: Close-mindedness and cars that overtake too close to bikes on the road
Favourite Movies: Most of Wes Anderson’s movies, the Bourne movies
Favourite Books: The Sound and the Fury – William Faulkner, The Road – Cormack McCarthy, anything by Salman Rushdie
Favourite Music: Pixies, Violent Femmes
Favourite Food: Probably chocolate
Favourite Drink: Tea, and beer. Generally not together though.
Favourite Event: Tour de France
Dream Occupation: What I am doing right now + some teaching on the side
Most admired athlete: Cadel Evans for his fight, Roger Federer for his class
Little known fact about me: I have supra-ventricular tachycardia
Life Highlight: Meeting Kate (my wife)
Life low-point: Breaking up with Kate before we got married. Funnily enough I broke most of my PBs at that time.
Things You Want To Do Before You Die: run a decent marathon, write a novel
Favourite Quote(s):
– “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Einstein and
– “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.” Maurice Switzer