Nickname: KJ
Workplace: My studio in Hampton
PB’s: 10km 37:05, 5km 17:55, half, 82:19, marathon 2:58
Best Running Experience: Running my first sub 3 hour marathon at Melbourne marathon
Worst Running Experience: Pulling out of Berlin marathon, my hammy was torn off the bone 😀
Racing Shoes: Adiboost
Years Running: 30 years
Why Do You Run: So I can eat cookies
Favourite Training Session: 3 x 10 mins along Beach Road
Hobbies: Drinking wine , travel , lots of shopping, hanging out with my children and hubby , reading, interior design
Most Important Thing To Me: My family and my health
Biggest Dislike: Unauthentic people
Favourite Movie: Forrest Gump
Favourite Music: Anything from the 80s
Favourite Food: Italian and I can’t eat gluten 🙁
Favourite Drink: French champagne then coffee
Favourite Event: Tan relays with AV
Dream Occupation: I have it – Artist
Most admired athlete: Paula Radcliffe
Little known fact about me: I have 35 pairs of boots 😉
Life Highlight: Marrying my hubby
Life low-point: My mum dying when I was 14
Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die: Run more PBs 😉 go to the Greek Islands, run the perfect marathon 🙂
Favourite Quote: Have a great day.