Nickname: chez
PB’s: 5km 19.20 ; 21.2 km 1.27.55 ; marathon 3.27
Best running experience: too many to choose from ..anything involving like-minded runners in beautiful locations (generally off road and elevated)
Worst running experience: not had much luck with the handful of marathons I’ve run:
– London at 18 years old, first charity marathon, bust my foot 5 weeks before the race, unable to train, didn’t see it as an option not to run and let the team down, shuffled after the cobbles at 20 mile mark but got it done in just over 4 hrs then took me another hour to hobble 1 km back to Buckingham palace meeting point …
– London at 20 years old with my brother, again for charity, did a tour of the portaloos after dodgy pre race meal (and still finished over an hour before him)
– Melbourne 2013 (the next time I tackled this distance), PB 3.27 but got caught in the storm post race with no warm clothes, unable to get a taxi, rescued by a Good Samaritan who took pity on my blue lipped shivering pathetic self, also didn’t run for 5 weeks after with an acute foot overuse injury
– Melbourne 2015 (called to duty at 32 km mark to attend to collapsed runner, quads not happy after 15 mins of squatting and shuffled the rest ..3.30 ish again)
– Melbourne 2017 …to be continued
Why do I run: like yoga running is a like a moving meditation for me (I think that’s why I’m prone to getting lost in races especially when I’m on my own on a beautiful trail ..) it’s also about meeting inspiring people, going to amazing places and sense of personal achievement from mastery of body and mind
Favourite drink(s): green tea, strong coffee and red red wine
Favourite food: seafood pre race meal, porridge peanut butter and banana/ berry smoothies for pre race breakfast, eggs post race second breakfast, a good Indian curry fest post race dinner… (I like my food)
Dislikes: being ” Hangry” note above for the antidotes, therapeutic effect almost immediate
Favourite event: many to choose from but love Surf Coast Century, great weekend with events for everyone. Relay in 2014, 50 km this year …plan is first solo 100km in 2017
Dream occupation: it’s a work in progress…
Little known fact about me: I’m rather untidy … Although prefer the description of my living space as ‘organised chaos’
Life highlight: becoming a Scaussie a few years ago
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist” Picasso
Rules of medicine / life:
1. Give a shit
2. Know your shit
3. Take no shit
4. Shit happens